NSCA Contacts
Caring for the Community Since 1956
Board-Level Committee Chairs
NSCA relies heavily on volunteers to accomplish all it does. NSCA has no paid staff like an HOA, and your $15 voluntary dues go a long way to support the work of the civic association. NSCA's officers are elected at the May meeting each year. Committee chairs are appointed by the president and confirmed by the board.
2023-2024 Officers
(Click names to email)
President: Jeff Schaefer
Vice President: Scott Pratt (571) 238-0574
Secretary: Charmel Menzel
Treasurer: Jeanne Bond
Calvin Coleman & Mayur Nagpure
Braddock District Council: Paul Hartwell
Community Service: Ron Kinzer (703) 941-6415
Diversity Liaison: Ivan Carrasco (703) 462-9474
Fairfax Federation: Bob Gribbin
Legal/Registered Agent: Dorene Haney (703) 256-1688
Membership: Donna Moore (703) 214-1870
Neighborhood Outreach: Donna Moore (703) 214-1870
Neighborhood Watch: Jennette Eddy
Parks & Recreation: VACANT
Planning & Zoning: Carey Campbell (703) 939-0970
NSES PTA President: Caryn Chmielewski
Senior Outreach: Marie Norman (703) 354-9427
Non-Board Committee Chairs
Newsletter Chair & Editor: Nancy Moore (703) 750-2170
Newsletter Graphic Designer: Candy Rogers
Webmaster: KC Felton